Happy New Year

Saraybosna Büyükelçiliği 02.01.2017

The staff of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey and institutions of the Republic of Turkey based in Sarajevo congratulate the New Year wishing the year 2017 to be a year of peace all over the world and to bring health, success, happiness and peace to citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and members of Turkish community in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Pazartesi - Cuma

09:00 - 12:30 / 13:30 - 17:00

Başkonsolosluğumuz Konsolosluk şubesi Pazartesi-Cuma günleri (09:00-12:00) (13:00-16:00) saatleri arasında müracaat almaktadır. (Mesai saatleri dışında Nöbetçi Memurluk: +387 61 052 523)
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